Over the past 3 years, I’ve fought to get myself into prime physical shape.

I’ve completed almost every Beachbody workout.

I’ve overhauled my pantry. I’ve overhauled my fridge.

My children’s nutrition has radically changed.

Only, I’m not a TOTAL radical. I like my wings. And my nightly popcorn. And chocolate chips. And don’t get me started on margaritas and free chips.

However, along with choosing health, I have also learned that the grey winter months deplete me. I’m foggy. Weary. The lack of sunshine in Western, PA has become a yearly nemesis. And I have not come out the victor.

I am consistent with working out. But I have also been consistent with pouring large quantities of coffee down my throat and feeding my S.A.D. soul with comfort food for the first 3 months of the year. I’ve already planned on getting myself one of those full-spectrum lights through which to soak up some healthy rays for next winter, but I’ve also come to realize that the right (and wrong) foods can play a large role in my energy, stamina, and  well-being.

This month, I stocked up on watching documentaries about the food industry and the declining health of our country: Hungry for Change, Food Matters, Vegucated, all served as my classroom to prepare me for what I was choosing to do next . . . The Ultimate Reset.

Why the Reset? Why now?

  1. I’d like to eat even better than I do. I have always had a bit of a fear about eating vegetarian: what to buy, how to prepare, could I afford, would I miss this and that, etc. The Reset tells me what to buy and what to make and when to eat it. My goal is to moved towards a vegetarian diet – or, at the very least, a MORE vegetarian diet.
  2. We’d like to lower my husband’s heredity high cholesterol. While my husband is very active, and has decreased his points via exercise, he is still considered “borderline”, as the MD put it, and thus he will be eating Reset-style with me for 21 days. It is proven that a plant-based diet can help one lower cholesterol. Our goal is to avoid medication for him. And he’s been given 6 months to do so. Yes, it can be done.
  3. I need to feel better after the long winter.  While I’ve not been formally diagnosed with S.A.D, all signs point to “yes”. Emotionally, I’m on edge. Mentally, I’m flightly. Physically? Even with exercise I have donned a bit of a winter coat I’d that I’d now like to remove. So, along with just feeling better on an overall level, I’d like to shed that coat. At least 5 lbs of it.

Our program is WHOLE FOOD BASED. No starving. No drinking lemon juice and cayenne pepper. No endless trips to the bathroom.So I will be learning how to cook with new ingredients. I will be fueled throughout the day. From the feedback I’ve heard from others, I will sleep like a baby, and my whole way of thinking about food will be transformed.

That’s a tall order.

But what’s the alternative? Just keep doing what I’m doing and feeling the way I’m feeling? That’s called giving up. I don’t really DO resignation.

My reaction to my cart the day I shopped was surprise. How colorful it was! And not from boxes or marketing. Color from actual food: green, orange, red – bright, inviting, and welcoming. My fridge is PACKED. There is no more room in the inn . . .along with the fruits and veggies, I have containers of cooked quinoa, green lentils, and brown rice – all ready to be used in the Reset recipes.

Many are on this journey with me. Friends, Coaches, customers, even my CEO.

What about you?

Does food rule over you?

If yes, this would be a great undertaking and an eye-opening experience.

I’ll keep you posted on my journey.