“I’m writing about answered prayer today.”
“Do you want to share a time that you asked God for something and He answered you?”
Zane went first.
“I remember that one day Harper’s bus came by. And like usual we just figured it would stop at the corner, she would get off, and walk up the block to our house. But she didn’t. You were really worried, Mom. You couldn’t understand where she was. I began to pray that Harper was ok, because you looked scared.”
“What happened?”
“It wasn’t her bus.”
Thank you, Lord.
Upon asking the same question of Harper, she shared of a horrible rain storm in which we were caught driving.
“Mom, you were nervous. So, I asked God to stop the rain so we could get home safely.”
The rain eventually stopped. We got home.
Hmmmmm, there’s a lesson for me here.
Both are examples of my children praying FOR ME during a situation causing me anxiety.
They are not examples of me praying WITH my children during times of anxiety.
My children initiated both times.
Is this a picture of them learning from my non-example in the moment? (Pray, because Mom isn’t?). Or from my example of the times, albeit inconsistent, when I’ve encouraged immediate prayer? (Hey let’s pray about this right now.)
No guilt. No shame
Just a brief story to remind myself to show them that I, too, DO, pray about everything.
And am thankful they do also!
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