I woke to two puppies needing attention.
The laundry from the weekend was clamoring to be put away.
One child rose early.
The other slept in.
My husband worked in the kitchen, cleaning from the night before – the dishes and cups clinking loudly as he loaded the dishwasher.
Memories of the mornings from a former season of my life wafted through my brain . . . aren’t the early hours supposed to be peaceful? Pristine? QUIET?
No longer. At least, not right now.
I’ve read the verses about meeting the Lord in the morning. First thing. First fruits. Start the day, right. Right?
But I will admit, that He does not have my full attention during the rat race of mornings for my recent season of life. There would be too much “shh’ing”. Hard to focus. Who needs me now?
And so, as simple as it may sound, just as with exercise, I meet with the Lord during the best time of the day when I can be at full attention. When I can be aware. Attentive. When I can join Him, rather than just recognize His presence. What I desire is to be fully engaged with Him.
This does NOT happen in the morning for me.
Someday, I’ll return to this desire. But for now, I am content to meet with the Lord once everyone has gone to bed for the night. It’s just me and Him.