30 Days of Thanks. Thankful Trees. Gratitude Journal.

There are just so many ways for us to track those things, people, events, and moments, for which we are thankful. As a natural “tracker”, I really enjoy tools to help me maintain a habit of recording devotionals, workouts, even calories. 
Years ago I attempted to keep a Gratitude Journal, or Thankfulness Diary – call it what you will.
I got the surprise of my life. I couldn’t keep up.
What I learned then (almost 20 years ago now) is that I can not possibly record every single God-sighting in my life.
And I am thankful for that. How beautiful is it to know that I can not keep up with my God.
What the exercise DID instill in me was the conviction that regardless of whether I can “track” or “mark” it down, thankfulness MUST be a daily part of my day. It shouldn’t be an exclusive accessory worn only for the month of November or Thanksgiving Day. It is why I ask my children every night, “What are you thankful to God for today?” My answer is always the same – even if the answer is “Donuts at church”. “Great. Tell Him.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18 instructs us to “give thanks in all circumstances; for THIS (my emphasis) is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Think 365 days of thanks. God is up to His goodness all year long!
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