It worked!
It worked!
Something you want. Something you need. Something to wear. Something to read.
I’ll be honest. I was a bit worried. We REALLY limited the amount of “stuff” that our kids accumulated for Christmas this year. I gave their gifts a lot of thought and it “paid off”. I didn’t spend a ton – and THEY, loved what they received. Other than a bike, which was a “want” and paid for my two sets of grandparents and us, the gifts were low key this year.
As my kids went to bed on Christmas Eve, I reminded them each WHY they receive gifts.
“Why do we give you gifts?”
“Because you love me.”
“Do I give you gifts because you are good?”
“Do I withhold gifts if you do something bad. Or disappoint us?”
“Do I give you gifts because you earned them? Or deserve them?”
“So, tell me again. Why do Daddy and I give you special things?”
“Because God first loved us. And there is absolutely no way we could earn His gift of love. I can’t WAIT for your to enjoy your gifts tomorrow. I’m so excited!!!!!”
That’s the message I want to seep into hearts.
We give our children gifts because we love them. Not because they have done something to earn them. This is a big deal with us. Perhaps it’s an issue of semantics, but in our household, the kids can earn privileges. They can work towards goals. But, gifts? In the truest sense of the word are never earned. They are simply given because we love the recipient. Period.
I loved their faces this morning. Their surprise. Their attitudes. They are seriously growing up. Which is hard. And fantastic. All at once.
I asked them both what their favorite gift were this year.
My son answered quickly. “The Rainbow Loom and the bike!”
My daughter?
“Probably the iTunes gift card. I was totally surprised this year.”
Mission accomplished.
Now, guess whose kids have birthdays in January.
Time to start all over . . .