Stressed at work? Stressed at school? Stressed at home? Feeling stressed by national or world events?
Ever feel as if an intravenous drip of stress is coursing through the veins?
We easily spot large stressors that take a toll on our well-being. In fact, death of a spouse or family member, divorce, marital separation and marriage in general, imprisonment, personal injury or illness and dismissal from work, hold top billing for stressful experiences that significantly alter one’s life. However, it’s the sneakier slow drip of daily pressures that also possess a crafty potential to sideline us if not pro-actively addressed.
Like with larger stressors, this gradual drip of daily annoyances, while often ignored, messes with the nervous system and is responsible for keeping our bodies in a protective “fight” or “flight” posture. Stress also creates muscular tension, increases blood pressure and heart rate and disrupts digestion.
We know this.
We have all experienced stress.