“I will lose weight this year!”

“I need to flatten this belly, stat!”

“This is the year I will fit into a size –.”

In our video series For the Health of it, Joline Atkins provides health and wellness advice.

I certainly won’t question those goals, for I understand that those who are off and running toward New Year’s resolutions of the health/fitness variety often begin with such bold statements.

I am, however, going to challenge the wisdom of one’s initial focus being on a number, the belly and an ideal size.

Let’s think out of the box.

Have you ever heard of an “NSV?”

In my world, “NSV” stands for a non-scale victory.

When one of my clients shares excitement about a favorite pair of pants fitting more comfortably, or how committed they’ve been to planning daily nutritious meals, we celebrate. We cheer when they communicate how exercise is increasing their productivity outside the gym. There’s a newfound confidence that the client begins to exude. We point it out and applaud.

It is thrilling for those who have been faithful to showing up for themselves with daily workouts and smart nutrition to begin noticing these often neglected perks from choosing a healthier lifestyle. These perks, while not a number, flat abs or skinny jeans, are indeed longer-lasting victories and deserve to be highlighted.

It’s all going so well!

A routine is begetting a stronger determination to continue, and from that tenacity comes more non-scale victories.

 And then, for whatever reason, one steps on the scale and sees a number, which results in one of two things happening:

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