I think I’m getting the hang of this “Beaver gig”.
I mean, really, what is the most important element of a huge move?
Finding the grocery store? Getting bank accounts set up? Switching one’s license from one state to another? Registering children for school? Trying not to get lost? Getting quoted on the front page of the local newspaper?
All worthy answers, and yet, they don’t quite take the cake. I should know, ’cause remember, I’m a “cake-eater”. (Funny, since this “cake-eater” can actually only afford the likes of Little Debbie. Shh. You know you love her too.)
No, the most important part of adapting to a huge move and a new community is to actually get to know the new community.
Thankfully, I now live in a town where seldom will someone pass my house and not wave or stop and introduce themselves while I sit on the front porch.
While running, I have perfected several types of acknowledgements towards other runners and walkers: the verbal “good morning” at the top of the run when I’m not winded, and the non-verbal “I’m waving to you but can’t speak right now” gesture when I’m just about out of wind. I am very careful not to spit until I pass people. I think that’s just downright polite.
George and I have learned over the last year that life is about relationships. At the end of the day, when the bills keep a’comin‘, or the kids are completely ornery, the laundry has once again piled up, and the black dog hair coating my floors is so thick that it could actually pass for a shag carpet (eww), what do we have left?
People. Relationships. Social interaction.
Enter one of my new friends here in Beaver who made it her mission to get me connected months before I even moved here. Her name may be Riki, but since I’m not mentioning names, I can’t be too sure.
I think it was my first week here when she invited me to join a Book Club here in Beaver. I did not hesitate and actually thought to myself, “Why have I, of all people, never had the time for a consistent book club?” I was a part of one a few year’s back, but then, as is the case with so many people, the chaos of life took over and the book club fizzled out.
I’m telling you, even though I may sound wildly opinionated about this, moving has been essential to helping me shift my daily focus off the “important” chaos of “schedule” and “stuff” in order to reroute my energy towards people and relationships. I honestly believe, and you can fight me on this (not with fists – I’m not cruisin‘ for any bruisin‘ on this Mary Kay face), that some chaos, (yes, I relented and said “some”) is chosen. In many cases, I think we initiate the chaotic busyness that we often complain about. Don’t disagree so quickly. Chew on it for a bit.
This is why Book Club was such a delight. Appetizer’s, dinner, Sangria. Sangria. Sangria. Oops. Sorry. Dessert. I felt spoiled and welcome. The women were (are) friendly, engaging, interested in what the new chick from Chicago had to say, and warm. The evening was relaxing and comfortable and the hostess created the perfect atmosphere for a Mom’s Night Out.
And THIS is what I’m talking about! People need people – sure it sounds like the title to a Steisand tune, and it is, but it’s true: People need people. Women need fellowship. It’s one of the reasons that I enjoy my Mary Kay business so much – once you convince a Mom that it is OK to leave their children with their spouse (for they are quite capable) and allow oneself a night out with friends, a “letdown”, (excuse the nursing reference, but I recall the “letdown” as feeling curiously drug-like), occurs, and the woman returns home with a full bucket.
Said bucket is now full.
Thanks for welcoming me to your neighborhood.