A Holiday Tradition_ Ding Dong DitchA new yearly tradition for our family is coming to a close this week.

The Christmas Jar.

For an entire year, our family, children included, have been saving spare change in a glass jar.

Coins we find in the dryer. Clink.

Coins I find in my husband’s pants as I tidy up his pile of clothes. Clink.

Coins my children receive when making a purchase and receiving change. Clink.

A few dollar bills have also found their way into our jar – folded up tightly and shoved through a slit we sliced into the lid.

Here’s what the kids know. One night this week, we will leave the jar on someone’s porch or back stairs.

What they don’t know is that we’ve already chosen the family who will be receiving it. We won’t be telling the kids who they are, and we won’t be telling the recipient who we are. Our gift will be anonymous. No tag. No name.

No worries. I do not believe the family even knows I write for Pittsburgh Mom and as far as I know, they aren’t on FB. I think we’re safe on that front.

But, just to be sure, should someone mention to you that they found a jar of money on their back stairs – just do us a favor and and feign surprise. (I can give you a quick private acting lesson if you think you might need one.)

We are excited to start filling a new empty jar beginning on January 1.

Do you have any holiday giving traditions?

Do your children participate with you?