It was a dark time.


Through intermittent pockets of light, fog surrounds. It’s claustrophobic. The air is thick. It impairs vision, breath, strength, and stamina. To rise above it seems doubtful. And a chore. Why even try?

It’s a time when one needs a shelter. A secure Strong Tower which stands supreme above the staleness of surrounding haze. For what we KNOW, but do not necessarily FEEL, is that what begins in fear, CAN indeed end in praise – only, being stuck below in the thickness of despair is not the best vantage point in which to witness this truth first-hand. If ONLY we could climb above it. If only. Maybe tomorrow? How long will we have to drown here?

We’ve lived this in our home.

David shared similar feelings and makes them known throughout the Psalms. But it is Psalm 61 where his faint cry for a refuge and Strong Tower pierces my own heart after living through my husband’s depression.

I had already experienced God as the Strong Tower once before, but as we walked, crawled, clawed, through this new experience, I once again cried out with the faintest of hearts to my Strong Tower, as David also did and had the foresight to record for us in this song.

Fog subsides.
And through the fog God can lift one to the top of the tower in order to see the promise that He is the ONLY refuge in which to cling.
This is important to note – for even when the fog subsides, traces remain – they did in our situation.
Therefore, we must live knowing that God can withstand the darkness that invades us – because HE is the Strong Tower. We are surrounded. Covered. Sheltered – even as the storm continues to rage.

Our response?


David, thank you for being honest.

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