50 Before 50: #2 Walking tour of Pittsburgh

I've lived in Pittsburgh for 9 year's now and always enjoy heading into the city. While I wish we lived closer or that our area provided a train (a la Chicago) into the city, I know I would be getting my urban fix way more often if both of those options were the reality. Pittsburgh is a stunning city. I recall my first experience heading through the Ft. Pitt tunnel on a sunny October day almost 10 years ago when we were considering moving here. I was completely shocked by the beauty. I don't know what I expected, but naively, [...]

By |2018-08-30T18:37:42-04:00August 30, 2018|

50 Before 50: #1 Election Judge

And so it begins. 50 before 50. If you have not read my introduction to this 365-day experiment, catch it here. While none of my 50 ideas are in any particular order, the first one out of the gate took me by surprise. While I had already decided I would research how to volunteer at our local polling venue for the mid-term elections, imagine my delight when the county actually sent out a call for those to help. How did I not know these positions were paid? Perk. Hey, I'm self-employed. Don't knock me for being excited about being paid [...]

By |2018-08-15T09:57:12-04:00August 15, 2018|
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