Our new job board for the kids

I've mentioned in the past that we don't pay for chores. And, we still don't. Only, my kids are now 14 and 10. They like to have money to use in town at the candy store and local coffee shop. There are games and music they want for their iPods. They talk about wanting "this", and how they are going to buy "that". They want to save money. They have even expressed wanting to treat a friend now and again. BUT . . . . THEY DON'T HAVE MONEY. Until now. Enter: Our new job board. I wanted to use [...]

By |2015-05-27T10:06:18-04:00January 9, 2015|

Loosening Up Social Media Rules

She had a strong pitch. It appealed to my softer side. "Mom, have you heard of google+?" "Yes, but I don't understand how it works." "A few of the kids in my class and on my basketball team chat on it." "Oh. That's cool." Silence. "Um, did you want to ask me something?" "A couple of the girls asked me if I can join. You know, so we can chat?" Up until now, there has been no Facebook. No Instagram. And no Twitter. I've not allowed any social media. I don't even understand how Google+ works! (Does anyone really know [...]

By |2015-05-27T10:09:09-04:00December 25, 2014|

Don’t Mess With Holiday Traditions

"Mom, are we starting the Advent boxes tomorrow?" Uh-oh. It was November 30th. We had just returned home from a trip out east where we celebrated the life of my Nanny (grandmother) who had passed away a week earlier. It was our second trip out to the Philadelphia area in a week. We were emotionally and physically spent. We hadn't even thought about bringing Christmas up from the basement yet: the bins of ornaments, decorative items, lights, or, yes, those Advent boxes. Over the years, those 24 little boxes were always filled by December 1. This year? I didn't even [...]

By |2015-05-27T15:07:07-04:00December 12, 2014|

Lessons Learned from Road-Trip Binges

I used to have it in the bag. Literally. Fruit, sandwiches, pretzels, trail mix, veggies, and maybe even some hummus. All packed in a small cooler for a road-trip. This frugal and smart fitness coach knew how to travel with health in mind. Somewhere along the way, I've lost my culinary road-trip mojo. My resolve seems to have petered out. Hop in a car and all bets are off! Recently, we had to take an unplanned trip to Philadelphia. I quickly threw some apples, granola bars, and home-made juices in a cooler and we set off. I was strong. We [...]

By |2015-05-27T15:04:36-04:00November 26, 2014|

Rushing Christmas

In the midst of finalizing our Halloween costumes this week, my kids slipped me two sheets of paper. On them? Christmas lists. They were detailed. They were thorough. They were surprisingly reasonable. They were handed BACK to my children. I appreciate their forethought. I am all for thinking ahead. But just like my reaction to the stores who began selling Christmas items one aisle over from the Halloween candy before Trick or Treating even commenced, I just can't get on board. Not yet. I didn't want the kids to skip over Halloween, or Thanksgiving. And, what about Election Day???? Isn't [...]

By |2015-05-31T15:03:33-04:00October 31, 2014|
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