My Children Don’t Need Me! (as much)

They are 13 and 9. GREAT ages. Turning point ages. Turning point for ME, that is. And yes, for them, of course. But, I am having to adapt as well. They won't kill each other when I leave them home alone. They can fry an egg for breakfast. They make their own lunch - if they choose to eat. They will complete the list of chores hanging in the kitchen without *much* push back. They run errands for me at the post office. They can bike to the library. They can make a deposit at the bank, or waste their [...]

By |2015-05-31T15:33:28-04:00July 24, 2014|

No, You Can’t Bring Your Phone

Picture my daughter's birthday party back in January: several girls on their phones/ipods, texting and Instagramming. Fast forward to today. My daughter had a friend over, and for a while they ran around outside. I even heard sword-play from the likes of wooden swords. Afterwards, I commented, "Sounds like you had a great time." Harper replied, "Yep, it was fun, but "so-and-so" was playing on her phone most of the time. I had to ask her to put it away." I gave her a high-five. What the heck, people? My daughter has a phone. It can make/receive calls, and has [...]

By |2015-05-31T15:36:41-04:00June 27, 2014|

7th Grade School Dance: We’ve Arrived

I don't ever remember having formal school dances in 7th grade. Perhaps this is a new milestone in the world of middle school. We had "soc-hops". After school. On a Friday. In our school clothes. That was it. Well, apparently, I didn't get the memo that things have changed since 1982. Nor did my daughter tell me that a dance was coming up. My daughter, who by her own admission is not into clothes, makeup, boys, or drama, was completely confused as to whether she wanted to attend her first 7th grade dance. Dressing up is NOT her thing. And [...]

By |2015-06-21T20:04:27-04:00April 8, 2014|

Phrases I Use With My Kids

Parent Magazine recently published a list of 10 things we should never say to our kids. Like many of our readers, I called, "BUNK" on what constitutes a "toxic" phrase. But, rather than debate the phrases the magazine cautions us about, I thought it would be fun to see 10 phrases I use. Often. 1. "First things first". Yep, that means don't touch that iPod or the TV until what I've asked you to do is done. Homework isn't complete? Dirty clothes all over the floor? Personal items strewn over every inch of the house? Well, those are "first things". [...]

By |2015-07-23T20:35:08-04:00March 7, 2014|

Homeschool Update: Missing Other Kids

"Mom, I don't want to upset you." Oh boy. What did he break? Did the dog crap in a bedroom? That is NOT the way a conversation should start. "What's up, Zane." (Staying calm.) "I just don't want to hurt your feelings." Sweet boy. Still, what the heck is going on???? "I miss seeing kids during the day." Ahhhhh! It was around this time last year that I started thinking about home-schooling. To my surprise, (for I NEVER thought I'd choose this route for either of my kids), I decided to pull Zane out for 3rd grade and do the [...]

By |2015-05-31T15:40:31-04:00February 21, 2014|
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