How Many Gifts Do Your Children Receive?

We've never been a family to over-indulge our kids on Christmas. (We leave that to the grand-parents.) But, even so, we've had our fair share of Christmases where we've watched the kids rip open presents in a hypnotic daze, quickly moving from one gift to the next without ever taking a moment to really "see" what they actually received. I'm not a kill-joy. I get the excitement of Christmas morning. This year, however, when I asked my kids what they wanted for Christmas, they responded with, "We want to see our cousins." Can't wrap that. I'll admit, I was proud [...]

By |2015-05-31T17:36:42-04:00November 29, 2013|

Who Helps With the Studying?

"No way. Dad helps me study Science. Not you." Gulp. But, she's right. Science makes my head spin just like during a rousing game of Dizzy Lizzy. (Bonus points if you've played or even know what that game is.) "You can do Language Arts with me, but not Science." I'm not offended. She's right. During the day, I obviously do each subject with Zane, with the help of PA Cyber, but for 7th grade, my husband and I definitely divide and conquer. Although neither of us "get" pre-algebra. Give us a break, our kids have a Pastor and Beachbody Coach/writer/actress [...]

By |2015-05-31T17:39:36-04:00November 15, 2013|

The Lonely Truth About Homeschooling

First, before I truly start this piece, let me be clear. We are totally enjoying the home-school experience. My son is doing very well. The material is challenging. The schedule works for us. That part is all good. He is usually done with everything by the time my daughter gets home from 7th grade. Which is all sorts of awesome, because her work takes a few hours, and with my son done, I don't have two kids with homework to complete. However, I'm wiped. As in, out. My day starts around 5:30 with some "me" time. Reading. Catching up on [...]

By |2015-05-31T17:42:30-04:00October 3, 2013|

A Cool Summer

Weather is a funny thing, ain't it? The winter was long. And very dark. Having lived in Chicago for 18 years prior to Pittsburgh, I am used to cold temps and snow . . . but not the gray skies. Those gray skies kicked my PittsburghMom patootie. Spring was kind of a blip on the radar - showed up briefly, only to turn into summer without even stopping to chat . . . Summer came - and that week long heat-wave that finally had us turning on the air conditioner in July, as we didn't need it prior to that. [...]

By |2015-06-21T20:10:05-04:00July 31, 2013|

We Don’t Pay for Chores

I've never been able to figure it out. The chore chart. The chore payment system. Remembering to check the chart and pay for the chores completed. I've tried various systems. They have all failed. Because I can't keep track. I was released of that stress this past weekend while listening to John C. Maxwell, who was the keynote speaker at a conference I attended. He shared with us something his father had taught him as a young boy about why he wasn't paid for chores: His father told him: “Son, I pay you based on what I value. I don’t [...]

By |2015-05-31T17:48:43-04:00June 28, 2013|
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