He Knows My Thoughts

I saw the movie, "Lincoln" on Friday night. The dialogue is incredible. Lincoln's stories, his "slow to speak" approach to answering questions or calming conflict, how careful he seemed to be with his words . . . all something to note. Of course the movie is a dramatization of this favorite President of mine, but I like to think that they got it right. One line stood out to me during the film, and I committed it to memory, vowing to make it mine. For it sums up a desire that I have deep within myself that until last year [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:51:26-04:00November 26, 2012|

God So Loved the World

 . . . that He gave. God so loved the world, that He gave. His only Son. That He gave. That He gave. That He gave. But we are told NOT to love the world. Or, are we? The world is a tricky place, no? So much temptation, yes? Only, it seems to me that we fall into the trap of loving the world, and allowing all its "stuff" to control us when we do the opposite of what God did for the world. He loved by giving. So, in my way of thinking, when we simply take, take, take: [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:51:31-04:00November 19, 2012|

Worldly Woes? Worries? Responsibilities?

The world. We are commanded to be IN it but not OF it. Does the world push or pull us from God? Is the world a blessing? Or does it hinder our faith? Does our world-view jive with God's view of the world? This week we will wander around the world and navigate a course for living lives of faith on the very planet that God created for His pleasure. Joline Atkins is your server today! Find out more about her here and don't forget to sign up for updates by email or RSS before you go.

By |2015-05-14T15:53:39-04:00November 18, 2012|

Eternal Home

Haha! I get to write the first post every week here at Daily Fast Fuel. So as we take this week to discuss eternity, and what we absolutely know for certain about Heaven, I do declare, that I get the easy post! I don't question eternity. Ever. I do not base my belief that Earth is not our eternal home on the books that children or even adults have written about seeing Heaven and returning from that visit. That's not meant to be a critique or to slight their experience. Only, my personal faith is not necessarily fortified through the [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:53:46-04:00November 12, 2012|

Mysterious Trinity

The Trinity. Go ahead and explain that one to me. Here's a few illustrations I've heard: Water: can be liquid, gas, ice - different forms, and yet all, water. Apple: made up of the skin, flesh, and core. A clover: three petals make up one stem of clover. A triangle. GAH!!!!!!!! I am currently doing a Beth Moore study about the Holy Spirit: Living Beyond Yourself, in which even Beth has made the attempt to explain the Trinity. And while I consider her a master teacher, I have yet to find a way or learn of a way to completely [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:53:52-04:00November 5, 2012|
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