Ask for Dreams

I've always found the word "dream", when used to describe a monumental goal of some sort, to be completely cheesy. "Never give up on your dreams!" Blech. Until I turned 40. Then, I was all, "Wait just a gosh darn minute! Why is it silly to dream about reaching some life goals that have been tucked away for years????" So, I unpacked them. Dreams are not pointless. Just ask Joseph. I began to pray. To pray about who and how God had created me. To ponder how I could glorify him through reaching some of dreams I was afraid to [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:53:58-04:00October 29, 2012|

Love Journey: Over the Moon

They burst into our dorm all sweaty and obnoxious. And male. Push ups and grunts ensued as they ran like gorillas up and down the hallway. And then, just like that, they were outside again. In our courtyard. They turned their backs. Going for the pants. Oh, God. No. Don't! They did. The entire freshman squad of the Ohio University wrestling team mooned our dorm. 2 years later, while on a date with George, it dawned on me. "Wait! You wrestled as a freshman?" "Yep." "Ever run through Washington Hall with the team?" "Yeah. The upper class-men on the team made us do "fun [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:54:07-04:00October 15, 2012|

Love Journey

Here at Daily Fast Fuel, we're taking a new journey every week for the month of October. Last week we each shared about a biblical journey that had great impact on us. This week, we're getting a bit more romantic. Before "Faithfully" pops into your head . . . oops, too late . . . let me give you a glimpse of what this week will entail. I first "met" my husband when his college wrestling team mooned my dorm. Ordained first meeting? It was the beginning of a journey - I know that much . . . you'll have [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:54:03-04:00October 14, 2012|

Biblical Journey to the Strong Tower

It was a dark time. Depression. Through intermittent pockets of light, fog surrounds. It's claustrophobic. The air is thick. It impairs vision, breath, strength, and stamina. To rise above it seems doubtful. And a chore. Why even try? It's a time when one needs a shelter. A secure Strong Tower which stands supreme above the staleness of surrounding haze. For what we KNOW, but do not necessarily FEEL, is that what begins in fear, CAN indeed end in praise - only, being stuck below in the thickness of despair is not the best vantage point in which to witness this truth first-hand. [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:54:13-04:00October 8, 2012|

Hope Initiated

"There are just too many, what you would most likely call, coincidences, that have drawn me to follow Jesus." That's how the conversation always starts. Whether one defines the events on my spiritual timeline as coincidence, fate, logical outcome - whatever, I know, without a doubt, that my coming to know Jesus was none of these. It was a personal invitation. It was a strong branch held out to me to grab in several perilous situations over the course of my life, which I ignored. It was a quiet voice gently turning my head in curiosity. It was a loud [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:54:18-04:00October 1, 2012|
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