Discipline in Community

I'm a fan of community. I worship in a community. I exercise in a community (both in person and online in a larger cyber-community). I discuss books in community. I fellowship in a small group community. I eat meals in community. I even drink a little wine in community. However, it may come to your surprise to find out that while I find myself in community often, I actually CRAVE being alone. I work from home. But unless I'm on the phone, it is quiet - except for neighborhood noise. No TV in the background. I rarely even play music. [...]

By |2015-05-14T16:01:18-04:00May 7, 2012|

Pack Light

I have no idea why, but every time I prepare for a trip, my mother says, "Pack light!" as if she's giving me a new piece of advice. Perhaps it's because she's a seasoned world traveler and doesn't want me to pay those ridiculous, "Hey, you wanna check luggage? That will be a gazillion dollars!" fee. Or, it's because she remembers how much I would pack whenever we traveled during my teenage years - all my outfits meticulously planned down to the matching plastic '80's bangle bracelet. Could be that she's just smart and knows we don't NEED to take [...]

By |2015-05-14T16:01:24-04:00April 29, 2012|

Clean Inside

There is absolutely no way I could write on the topic of Jesus giving us so thorough a scrubbing that our lives will shine as brightly as the sun, without pulling out this video. I was first introduced to this song by fellow writer, and former gospel choir director, Anitra, waaaay back in . . . when was it????? 1990-something. Repeat after me. "Won't He make you clean? Inside. Won't He make you clean? Inside." Lather, rinse, repeat. The answer is "yes". There is no mess we can make that He can not clean. When we are dull, He is [...]

By |2015-05-14T16:01:30-04:00April 23, 2012|

Unlock Health

After experiencing a grueling move from IL to PA, my husband fell into a heart-wrenching depression. Depression. With a capital D. He wasn't just sad. It was dangerous. With another capital D. The reason for our move was fantastic. The job and community we were moving to were amazing. And ordained. There was nothing that should have caused, nor had we indication that the next 1.5 years would be anything but a cake walk once we got settled. It sucked. When your spouse can BARELY get out of bed in the morning, and once he does, stands in the shower [...]

By |2016-02-03T01:13:29-05:00April 16, 2012|

Live the Resurrection

Sometimes, the thoughts my Pastor preaches on a Sunday morning, and the thoughts that I have been entertaining/pondering do a crazy dovetail. This has happened several times. Easter morning was one of those times. On Saturday, I wrote my introduction to our Resurrection week here at Daily Fast Fuel. That same day, I jot down some thoughts on Easter Living via my Facebook page. Easter Living? Yes. Guess what. Today (as I write this) is Easter. Monday (while you read this) is also Easter. And in a "the risen Christ doesn't just show up to be celebrated one time a [...]

By |2015-05-14T16:01:42-04:00April 9, 2012|
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