Lepers, the Blind, Deaf, and Lame, Oh My!

Jesus sure did a lot of healing. My title is sorely lacking as a thorough description of everyone Jesus has healed. Scripture can't even cover them all. And I'm certain that you, dear reader, also have stories of your own. What I find most beautiful is that many who were healed by Christ's words and touch, experienced the miracle during a first-time encounter with Him. It challenges me to think about my first response to those who show obvious signs of pain and suffering. Would I sit and share a drink of water? Stay at their house? Touch them? Is [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:10-04:00October 12, 2011|

Be Careful Little Mouths What You Repeat

I asked my Pastor-husband what he took away from yesterday's post, and he shared the following, "Don't assume. Ask questions." That's his standard reply. And a wise one at that. While I'm known for launching into massive statements and then having to apologize, my husband knows the wisdom in GATHERING information before UNLOADING information. Example: The national political climate. It's tense. I am of the opinion (surprise?) that we as Christians do NOT do a stellar job of loving our neighbors during election season. I made a pact with a neighbor who happens to lean on the opposite side of the political [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:10-04:00October 11, 2011|

The Ultimate Water Cooler Chat

Seinfeld. The ultimate water cooler show. Friday morning, following NBC's Thursday night Must See TV, Seinfeld fans would gather to rehash the show about nothing which involved Jerry and his closest pals, George, Elaine, and Kramer. "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" We get a glimpse of another famous, and scandalous, water cooler moment in John 4.  The conversation in question, between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the most ancient of water coolers, still serves to reveal the relentless love that Jesus has for those deemed immoral, low-brow, and loose. For Jesus knew of this woman and her track record, plus [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:10-04:00October 10, 2011|

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

I'm known for being black and white with my beliefs. I can get up on a soap box and play a pretty good game of “King of the Mountain” in order to hold my position. I possess some serious upper body strength. I'm opinionated – let's get that out on the table right now. Only, you've been reading Daily Fast Fuel since it's inception, so I'm assuming you've already gleaned that fact. This week, allow me to leap up onto that soap box yet again to address an issue that irks my heart every week – daily even. That is [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:10-04:00October 9, 2011|

Cool Down: Sabbath Rest

When it comes to exercise, I am consistently challenged in one area. The Cool Down. Even though it may be one of the most important elements in my fitness training, I tend to lift that last weight, let out a big sigh of relief that it's over, and then go about on my merry way. I diss the cool down. I blow it off in exercise. And I blow it off in life. Observing the Sabbath has ALWAYS been difficult for me. Mainly because I struggle to put on the brakes. Praise God for walking me over to my chair [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:10-04:00September 2, 2011|
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