Lift Weight: Carry An Empty Plate

You knew I'd make it here eventually. Fasting. We all carry heavy weight: stress, hardship, frustration, worry, disappointment, jealousy, fear. Go ahead. Name one. Or two. I'll wait. When we (me) are so focused on our (my), dare I say it . . . crap (said it), we are NOT focused on God. That's where fasting can serve up a feast - by refocusing our attention on Him. Certainly that's a very simple explanation of this spiritual discipline, and I encourage you to delve deeper if you so desire. Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster is a great place to [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:24-04:00September 1, 2011|

Cardio Conditioning: Heartstorming

Heartstorming? What?! We all know about brainstorming: spontaneously rattling off ideas without pausing to censor or critique the outflow during the process of creating the list. But, "heartstorming"? Confession: consistent prayer has always been difficult for me. I have tried several "systems" by which to develop this discipline in my life, and none of them seem to stick. While organically I seem to be in a state of prayer all day, and don't hesitate to stop during the day to do so, it's the CONCENTRATED EFFORT, the 5/10K long-distance prayers, that seem to allude me. Which, for a person who [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:24-04:00August 31, 2011|

Stretching: With My Se-elf

Are you ever completely alone? It's a trick question. I get a lot of time alone - simply because I have two kids in school (other than during the summer months), and I also work from home. Thus I haven't any children or co-workers hanging around the home/office during the day. Or do I? With home phones (the dinosaurs that they are becoming), cell phones, texting, email, FB, and Twitter, I can always be reached. And because of my personality, I like to answer quickly. So while I may be alone. Truly, I am not. And that is what God [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:24-04:00August 30, 2011|

Warm-up: Sit Still

So knowing me as you do, I bet you thought I'd just launch into a 3-step approach to conquering the spiritual disciplines with which I struggle. After-all, that IS my usual M.O. Not this time. Perhaps this may sound a bit Yoda-like, but I have no question that God is calling me to start my spiritual discipline journey by . . . sitting still. Doing nothing. While quiet. Or, if you want to get spiritual about it: Practicing Silence & Solitude. Don't get me on my soap-box about this. Oops, too late. Already there. I'm not all together sure that American churches understand the [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:24-04:00August 29, 2011|

This Will Hurt Me More Than It Will Hurt You

The canned speech. Delivered so authoritatively by parents as they hand out a discipline to one of their children. What a bunch of malarkey. (Not the discipline part, but rather, the "script".) My title has been lifted directly from an amazingly helpful handbook, "Parenting Cliches: Volume One", which one now receives upon being discharged from the maternity ward after giving birth. Other downright lies include: "Don't cross your eyes, they'll get stuck that way." "We're doing this for your own good." And the ever-popular and conveniently adjustable for-most-any-dangerous-situation or poor choice, "If 'so-and-so' jumped off a cliff, would you?" Don't get me wrong, [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:45:25-04:00August 28, 2011|
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