Give Us This Day

I'm a planner. A dreamer. An engineer. I have goals I'd like to see accomplished this month. And by the end of the year. I have them broken up into smaller steps so that I can truly experience progress towards reaching them. Sounds as if God isn't involved in my plans, eh? Actually, quite the opposite. During the last week of December every year, I take some quiet time - even skipping church on a Sunday morning (gasp!) so I can be home alone to look back and look forward. It is during the quiet of a Sunday morning at [...]

By |2015-05-14T14:22:32-04:00April 22, 2013|

Interview with My Children About Prayer

"I'm writing about answered prayer today." "Ok." "Do you want to share a time that you asked God for something and He answered you?" "Sure." Zane went first. "I remember that one day Harper's bus came by. And like usual we just figured it would stop at the corner, she would get off, and walk up the block to our house. But she didn't. You were really worried, Mom. You couldn't understand where she was. I began to pray that Harper was ok, because you looked scared." "What happened?" "It wasn't her bus." Thank you, Lord. Upon asking the same [...]

By |2015-05-14T14:24:30-04:00April 15, 2013|

Answered Prayer: Yes, No, or Not Now

We've all been there. Asking. Waiting. Asking. Wondering. Asking. Worrying. Wanting an answer. And not getting one. Or, did we? This week, we will be sharing stories of answered prayer. And unanswered prayers. And waiting. (Perhaps the most difficult of them all.) It's always a journey here at Daily Fast Fuel. And we hope YOU will share your stories with us as well. Joline Atkins is your server today! Find out more about her here and don't forget to sign up for updates by email or RSS before you go.

By |2015-05-14T14:25:14-04:00April 14, 2013|

A Woman of Few Words (haha – stop laughing)

I recently devoured Anne LaMott's new book, Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers. And regardless of whatever you think of Anne, her words resonated GREATLY with me. See, I'm not typically a person of little words. In fact, more often than not, I talk to much. Especially in the area of explaining myself. As a person who is a bit OCD about clarity and communication, I fall into the trap of wanting to carefully explain situations in detail - especially in times of conflict. And, interestingly enough, I used to be that way with God. Explain, explain, explain. Well, guess what. The [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:39:21-04:00April 8, 2013|

Gentle . . . Gentle . . .

I remember the first time I was handed my newborn child. "Gentle . . . gentle . . .", I said to myself. I remember the first time someone had to help me by taking her from my arms so I could carefully get out of bed post c-section. "Gentle . . . gentle . . .", they said to me. Year's later, I remember handing my newborn son to my now 4 year old daughter as she sat in a chair in the hospital room. "Gentle . . . gentle . . .", I said to her. Gentle. Gentle. [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:39:29-04:00March 25, 2013|
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