The Circular Loop of Grace

Your love never fails it never gives up it never runs out on me (x3) And on and on and on and on it goes,It overwhelms and satisfies my soul,And I never ever have to be afraid,One thing remains . . . Your love . . . Loop. Technically this song is about God's love. Only, when I am needing to be reminded of God's favor upon me - undeserved and completely free - this song pops in my head. For just as His love is in a continual loop, so is His grace. I have to return to LOOP 101: Grace. [...]

By |2015-05-14T14:24:18-04:00March 18, 2013|

The Power of Speech

I have made mistakes. I have been hurt. I have been confused. I have been arrogant. I have been rash. I have been misunderstood. I have been regretful. I have assumed. I have gossiped, lied, misspoke, inserted myself . . . Can you relate with any of these statements? I am a social media maven. I write for a number of blogs. I run a successful online business. I use social media to my advantage. And . . . disadvantage. Sooooo much can be misunderstood, taken out of context, and assumed when in the form of online mediums. Sometimes, we [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:39:36-04:00March 11, 2013|

I Got the POWER!

Power. Oh, boy, this is a DOOZY of a topic for me when it comes to talking about our faith in the THE One and Only sure-fire Power of the Universe. Do we actually understand power? Many, understand mis-use of it, but when used for the God's glory, do we embrace it? Run from it? Deny or downplay it? Confuse it? Ignore it? Are we scared of it? Is power a bully? Or a servant? This week, we are bringing you stories of God's power in our lives. Ready to plug in???? Joline Atkins is your server today! Find out [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:39:42-04:00March 10, 2013|

The Good that Comes From Hardship

2008 was a tough year for one of my children. Thus, it was a tough year for Mom as well. Overwhelming. My mind was foggy, my heart was anxious, my focus was set on finding answers. Every step seemed to take too long. I wondered if anyone was listening. My gut was telling me to advocate for my child, and yet the barriers just seemed so high. I didn't know which steps to take. The map was confusing. The whole gerbil on a wheel analogy? Yep, that was me. Eventually, in His time, all was figured out. I know - [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:39:48-04:00March 4, 2013|

Worship with Few Words

"I worship better than you do" It was the caption on a t-shirt and I REALLY wanted it. In a cheeky, "get off your worship high horse" kind of way. But, as the spouse of one of the Pastors, I thought better of it, and deleted it from my online shopping cart. I sooo wish I could have purchased and worn that shirt. We must be so careful to keep our hearts, and, quite frankly, our eyes on God and not each other during corporate worship. Some raise their hands. Some kneel. When asked to stand, some remain seated. Some [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:39:55-04:00February 25, 2013|
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