The Wafer

I miss the wafer. The Catholic communion wafer. The one that dissolved on my tongue. It's a sense memory that I will never forget. Having the Host placed directly on to my tongue. Doing nothing to add to the process of it dissolving. No chewing. Just waiting. I miss that a bit. Communion is certainly different for me now. The tray comes by. Which piece should I take? Do I want the gluten-free option? The juice. Careful as you pass. Crap. Spilled a little. What a mess. Maybe I'll just set it down until we're ready to drink it. There's [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:40:07-04:00February 18, 2013|

Silent Song . . . and yet, NOT

Oh gosh, I'm the first one up this week and I'll already blowing it. But since I shared a bit about myself last week, I hope you'll give me grace for going off script with this week's theme about the music in our minds. See, I listen to no music during the day, other than maybe a bit of the radio while I pick up the kids or drive them to karate, or run errand. During that time, I prefer to listen to K-Love, but that's not because I necessarily love all the music - songs which get repeated, and [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:40:01-04:00February 11, 2013|

Quiet Sanctuary

I am an extrovert with a secret. I don't want to talk to you. At least, not right now. Probably not in an hour. Let's put it this way . . . I'll call YOU. And yet, I am an extrovert. Really, I am. Only . . . I prefer a small group of tight friends to that of a crowded party. I spend my day working from home in silence - no background music. No TV. As part of my job I do have to be on the phone, so I'm not a hermit by any means, but, truth [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:40:16-04:00February 4, 2013|


Your sanctuary. Is it a place? A state of being? An activity? This week, we gals here at Daily Fast Fuel are going to share about our personal sanctuaries. You know us - there will certainly be some stories connected to our answers . . . We pray that our posts this week either encourage you to find a personal sanctuary of your very own, or confirm your need to continue the practice of taking, visiting, and resting in the sanctuary you have already discovered! Joline Atkins is your server today! Find out more about her here and don't forget [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:40:11-04:00February 3, 2013|

The Spitting Image of God

"He looks like a mini George!" "She looks just like you!" Our children. Made in the spitting image of us. Or, are they? Sure, they favor us. There are dimples. Facial expressions. Dark hair. Blue eyes. Technically, they look exactly like us. But my children have taught me that they are actually NOTHING like me. Or George. They aren't even like each other. No, their true image is that of the One and Only God. They are image bearers of the King! Graciously, He gifted us with our children. Trusted us with the responsibility of loving them, raising them, and [...]

By |2015-05-14T15:40:22-04:00January 28, 2013|
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