September is “Happy New Year” to me. And my family. And no, I am not confused about our actual calendar.
September is when I plant.
Our new family schedule after a summer without one.
Our new school schedule after a summer of leisure.
Our new church schedule with new Sunday school classes and activities.
We literally plant ourselves into more of a routine than we ever hope to experience over the summer months. It is during September-June when my children seem to be positioned for the most growth. And it starts in the Fall. With a plan.
We plant. We water. We tend. We are industrious. Deliberate. Intentional. What we harvest during these months can last until summer returns. We we yield can fuel us for the winter months ahead.
We can NOT afford to slack off during the Fall.
And God knew this when he designed the seasons. Knowing that winter is on our heals He planted within us a work ethic to prepare for the barren months ahead. A work ethic that includes preparing our “soil” spiritually, academically, and relationally. Preparing a storehouse.
Fall. It’s harvest time in our house.
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