
That word ignites many feelings, opinions, discussion, meetings and debates at churches all over the globe.

What is it?

Is there a right or wrong way to worship?

You will not BELIEVE some of the glimpses I’ve had into this debate over the years. I intend to chat away about a few of those with you tomorrow. (I’ll even be pulling out an old journal from 1996 that contains some A-HA thoughts I gleaned about worship during a visit to England!)

I furrow my brow at this debate because I wonder, “Why is there one?”

Worship. It’s not an event. Or a style. Worship is not “one size fits all.”

Truly, worship is about me and my Father.

And in the midst of all the hub-bub that is the discussion of worship, I like that I am secure in the fact that worship really just comes down to just us. Together.

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