Reminder. I just finished directing Let It Be Christmas, a rock-opera of the Nativity set to an all Beatles score.

Yes. It worked.
Herod’s scenes were intense. He sang “Across the Universe” which offers the lingering theme of “Nothing’s gonna change my world . . .” while shaking up a martini and relaxing on his throne. Following this, as our narrator shared a scripture revealing that another KING, THE KING, had been born, the scene changed.
The once relaxed-in-his-environment King, went, well . . . a bit nuts. The lights changed. The electric guitar starting screaming out “Helter Skelter” and we began to see what Herod was really made of, and how warped his thoughts were to become. It was a rough ride into his completely evil mind.
And my actor did an amazing job. Herod was on stage for all of 7 minutes. And stole the show . . .
Hmmm . . . that’s interesting.
We  seem to give evil a lot of attention. Yes. Yes, we do. (How much news do you watch . . .?)
In the midst of utter pain, do we think for a moment that God was any less present while Herod slaughtered all those children while trying to weed out the ONE whom he thought would dethrone him? It seems to me that we tend to give evil the spotlight when tragedy occurs – rather than REPHRASING our words to reflect that God is NO LESS present in times of complete horror. If God were not present in horrific circumstances then we would be left with NOTHING. We can NOT linger in these thoughts.

Evil is.
Free will is.

More importantly. God is. Always.

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