In the midst of finalizing our Halloween costumes this week, my kids slipped me two sheets of paper.
On them?
Christmas lists.
They were detailed. They were thorough. They were surprisingly reasonable.
They were handed BACK to my children.
I appreciate their forethought. I am all for thinking ahead. But just like my reaction to the stores who began selling Christmas items one aisle over from the Halloween candy before Trick or Treating even commenced, I just can’t get on board. Not yet.
I didn’t want the kids to skip over Halloween, or Thanksgiving. And, what about Election Day???? Isn’t that right around the corner? We can’t possibly think about Christmas until that special day has come and gone . . . (I’m winking at you.)
We are tempted to move so very quickly through our days. Especially this time of year. While I love being prepared, there are times when I am convicted to simply take one day at a time. I want my children to follow suit.
Thus, I handed the Christmas lists back, asked them to tuck them away in a safe place, and to please attend to any last details for their Halloween costumes.
“Mom! I need a bow-tie!”
Glad we stepped away from Christmas planning with enough time to complete our Halloween inventory, or my Dr. Who Whisper Man would be missing a pivotal costume piece.
We are about to enter the annual seasonal frenzy. I want to savor one event at a time. That begins with . . . ok, maybe not election day, but rather, Thanksgiving.
Welcome, November – YOU bring an excitement all your own, and I’m looking forward to enjoying our time together.
(I can’t promise I won’t pick up gifts this month, but I will do so without shoving you to the side and giving your neighboring month the spotlight. You deserve to be celebrated in your own right.)