Mama has as bit of summer homework as well!
One thing I have tried to implement over the last two summers, is a book-club with my Mom To Mom group. Last year it was a daily devotional – which turned about to be both highly convicting AND highly controversial.
Always fun!
This summer for 9 weeks, I’m offering up a summer book club with my local gals, but you are welcome to grab a copy of the book and join us in reading: The Attentive Life: Discerning God’s Presence in All Things.
As it is highly recommended by Linda Anderson, creator of Mom to Mom Ministries, we are hip to taking her at her word. This book is NOT about parenting, mothering, wife-ing (made that up), or having anything to do with maternal or matrimonial responsibilities. No, this is purely for the Christian pilgrim. Of which I am one. You are one.
So, add this book to your summer reading list! Or, share with us what’s on your summer reading lineup!
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