50 Before 50: #3 Run through fountains at PPG place

#3 on my #50before50 journey was not planned. It was completely spontaneous. A dare. While on a fabulous walking tour of downtown Pittsburgh, we came upon PPG place. Children were running through the fountains with squeals of delight. The sun was shining. I'll be honest. I've always wanted to do it. And it crossed my mind while standing there. But I remained silent. "Jo, run through the fountains. Hashtag 50 before 50!" I wasn't surprised to hear that challenge coming from mouth of my friend Cassie, who is known for instigating  inspiring ideas and nurturing them to life. It was Cassie [...]

By |2018-09-09T15:50:59-04:00September 9, 2018|

50 Before 50: #2 Walking tour of Pittsburgh

I've lived in Pittsburgh for 9 year's now and always enjoy heading into the city. While I wish we lived closer or that our area provided a train (a la Chicago) into the city, I know I would be getting my urban fix way more often if both of those options were the reality. Pittsburgh is a stunning city. I recall my first experience heading through the Ft. Pitt tunnel on a sunny October day almost 10 years ago when we were considering moving here. I was completely shocked by the beauty. I don't know what I expected, but naively, [...]

By |2018-08-30T18:37:42-04:00August 30, 2018|

50 Before 50: #1 Election Judge

And so it begins. 50 before 50. If you have not read my introduction to this 365-day experiment, catch it here. While none of my 50 ideas are in any particular order, the first one out of the gate took me by surprise. While I had already decided I would research how to volunteer at our local polling venue for the mid-term elections, imagine my delight when the county actually sent out a call for those to help. How did I not know these positions were paid? Perk. Hey, I'm self-employed. Don't knock me for being excited about being paid [...]

By |2018-08-15T09:57:12-04:00August 15, 2018|

My NOT a Bucket List

***This post was originally published in the Beaver County Times on July 30, 2018*** I find the title “Bucket List” unnerving. The last thing I want to do is make a list of super cool things I must finish before kicking the bucket. Morbid. Why does a list of fantastic life experiences have to be motivated by the final countdown? That is not a list I'd race to complete! No offense to passionate bucket-list checker-offers. I simply don’t want kicking the bucket to be the driver for my trying new things. However, I do like lists. I also have many "Oh, I'd [...]

By |2018-08-14T09:55:44-04:00August 14, 2018|
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