We’re changing things up over here at Daily Fast Fuel, and now, you’ll be hearing from each of us every week.

Yes! We’ve enjoyed both the service and the practice of writing, and are thankful for how Daily Fast Fuel has touched you, as well as us as our team . . . and thus, as we move forward from here, we have decided to take daily shifts – rather than weekly ones.

What better way to begin this week than with the topic of THANKFULNESS.

That word sure is thrown around this time of year, isn’t it? Only, doesn’t scripture instruct us to give thanks in EVERYTHING? I don’t know about you, but EVERYTHING seems to be more expansive than a Thursday in November when we indulge in some of our favorite treats.

Is thankfulness an event? Or a lifestyle?

mailJoline Atkins is your server today! Find out more about her here and don’t forget to sign up for updates by email or RSS before you go.